When you are suffering from power outages, generators are the most important machine to keep your life on track. Either installed at your home or your business premises, generators significantly help deal with aftermaths of power failure in your area and avoid disruption in your activities.
In this article, we will explain the working of the generator with a turbocharged engine, how it works, its disadvantages, and you should buy it or not.
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Turbocharged Engine
A turbocharged generator is a special type of generator that has a turbocharged generator installed in it. The rest of the working mechanism of the generator is the same as compared to a usual generator. A turbocharged engine is defined as an engine that increases the power output by allowing more air to enter the combustion chamber. The traditional aspirated engine does not have this feature and this is why a turbocharged generator is critical to increasing the power output and efficiency of the generator. A turbocharged generator is important at times of long power outings when you need more efficiency from your generator.
Working of a Turbocharged Engine
It is better to have knowledge of the working of a turbocharger. There are 6 components of a turbocharged engine. These 6 components are grouped together in two parts known as a turbine and a compressor. The turbine consists of 4 parts which are turbine wheel, turbine housing, exhaust gas, and exhaust outlet area. The turbine housing directs the exhaust gas towards the turbine wheel. This exhaust gas helps in turning the turbine wheel and then it leaves through the exhaust outlet area.
The compressor consists of two parts; compressor wheel and compressor housing. The function of a compressor is the opposite of that of the turbine. The turbine turns the compressor wheel and then the air is compressed. The compressed air is then pushed in the engine; this allows the engine to burn more fuel and it produces more power ultimately.
Problems Associated with Turbocharged Generator
If you are planning to buy a turbocharged generator or already have one, it is important that you know about the problems associated with the turbocharged engine of your generator. This knowledge will help you in gaining control of your generator and solve minor problems on your own. Following are the problems associated with the turbocharged generator
Oil Problems – Oil problems are the most major and important problems a turbocharged generator has to face. The issues in the engine lubrication are critical to the failure of the engines. Oil is the bread and butter of a turbocharged engine. Lubrication is very important for the turbine and compressor to work properly and efficiently. If the oil level is reduced and there is friction in the moving parts, these parts will have massive wear and tear and stop working or will give reduced output. The rotation inside the engine is a very high speed and if there is no freedom of movement, it will be detrimental for your engine. The best way to deal with this issue is to keep your turbocharged engine well-lubricated. You must change the oil at the correct time so that delayed oil change does not allow the engine to be oil starved or run on dirty oil.
Another problem associated with engine oil is oil contamination. Oil contamination can happen due to the introduction of a foreign article in the oil. These foreign particles like dust and debris can get in the way of oil and stop the movement; they can also get stuck on the moving parts and can cause issues for your engine. Oil contamination can also happen due to the poor quality of the oil filter, once the oil filter goes bad, it will not function properly. The best way to deal with such issues is to change the oil filter regularly and install an oil filter of high quality.
Foreign Object – It is quite surprising to know that a little foreign object like dirt or a small piece of paper can destroy such a powerful and metallic structure. Foreign particles can enter the engine through poor quality air-filter, cracked air hoses, and improper cleaning of the engine and its parts. You can reduce the chances of this happening by keeping the air filter clean, wiping the dust regularly from your generator, and getting the engine examined at the prescribed time.
Restricted Intake of Air – Restricted breathing can also cause the turbocharged engine to have problems and thus you will have to face issues at the time of a power outage. This can happen due to the clogged channels of the turbine. The most authentic solution to this problem is to get the engine checked by a professional.
Conclusion: Should one Buy a Turbocharged Generator or Not?
The above discussion leaves us to the most important and crucial point of the whole article: should you buy a turbocharged generator or not? The answer to this question depends on your use of the generator. Well, apart from the problems associated with turbocharged generators, there are some benefits of using a turbocharger as well.
- The turbocharger reduces the volume of exhausted gases by taking them in again. This is helpful in reducing the emission levels as well and keeping your surrounding less polluted.
- The oil prices have been going up recently and the turbocharged generator allows you to get more fuel efficiency at times of extreme load on your generator.
The final verdict depends on a number of factors, the frequency of blackouts in your area, how many devices you are running on your generator, and how much power you need. If you want to power your entire home or your business which includes heavy machinery, then you can consider buying a turbocharged generator.